My 1966 AD1T

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Messaggi: 351
Iscritto il: 14 gennaio 2022, 18:12
Ape owned: ATM2

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da brugnara »

Ok, I think found it, it is this one:
Immagine 2022-05-20 151047.jpg
Immagine 2022-05-20 151047.jpg (2.29 KiB) Visto 2660 volte
I phoned an official Piaggio reseller just now and it sadly confirms that part does not exists anymore. But, you may be lucky: if you are willing to share the exact measures of the one you dismounted I'll call again and will let you know if there is something that fits/replaces that one.

Hope this helps.
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Apista esperto
Apista esperto
Messaggi: 176
Iscritto il: 11 luglio 2012, 15:06
Ape owned: AD1
Località: Poughkeepsie, NY USA

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da MarioNYC »

"I've checked the manual and I cannot find any adjustment mechanism on the rear brakes, which is strange as hub brakes normally have a automatic mechanism which you have to let-off before removing the hub. New shoes have been ordered so that will be a job for later!"

Automatic? You must be working on newer fancy brakes! I was used to adjusting the drum brakes with a screwdriver and sheer luck that I was rotating the adjuster the right way, in what today would be the equivalent of trying to insert a USB device, but with far more frustration.

The missing parts are out there somewhere, just have to either search harder, or find whether that part may have been used with other Vespa models and find it that way.

Still envious of your closer reach to accessing spare parts. :)
Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

brugnara ha scritto: 20 maggio 2022, 15:19 Ok, I think found it, it is this one:

Immagine 2022-05-20 151047.jpg

I phoned an official Piaggio reseller just now and it sadly confirms that part does not exists anymore. But, you may be lucky: if you are willing to share the exact measures of the one you dismounted I'll call again and will let you know if there is something that fits/replaces that one.

Hope this helps.
Many thanks for your help, I am planning to do this work in the next few weeks so I will let you know
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Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

A lot has happened over the last few weeks F<)

Smallwood Vintage Rally -
The Ape went to it's first show just down the road from where I live, it's the first time I have been and it was a lot bigger than I thought! There were lots and lots of vintage tractors, cars, buses, steam engines, steam trucks, vintage caravans, well worth a visit next year.

First job trailer the Ape Cornuto2
I used a lighting board on the rear of the trailer as I still need to finish modifying the trailer for the Ape.

The Ape was put in the 'Light Commercial' section of the rally, just after I took this picture a Pontiac parked behind the Ape and completely dwarfed it!
Since we were staying at the Vintage Rally overnight in my wife's vintage caravan I didn't want the Ape to get rained on so I parked the Ape in the caravans awning C-; You could easily fit two Ape's in there!
On the Saturday I was going to join the commercial vehicles in the arena, however, the Ape refused to start, after an hour I gave up. Later that evening I tried again, did my basic checks, fuel - yes, spark - no!, turns out I had a faulty spark plug, luckily some of the trade stalls were still open and I found a new spark plug - it then started first time!!!

On Sunday I join the commercial vehicles in the arena, the commentator said that he had never seen an Ape before and referred to the engine as a lawn mower engine :((
I will post another update about the rear brakes soon
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Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

Rear brakes

I ordered some rear brake shoes from Juergen £54.00
These are unbranded, the 'meat' on the shoes is 7mm thick.

The old pads below still had meat on them, about 4mm, but it looks like there are three different brands of pad on the rear, if you look at the left set one shoe has three 'humps' in the metal.
And the left set is different from the right!
Changing the shoes improved the braking however it still left two problems....

1) The handbrake still didn't work!
As I have read on other posts the handbrake didn't work even when adjusted, the handbrake could be pulled all the way but the wheels would still turn. I happen to see a post on another website which mentioned that the 'bar' which operates the brake shoes when the lever is pulled gets worn over time and therefor doesn't 'push' the shoes with sufficient force. The measurement should be 7.5mm.

This is the o/s
and the n/s
This one was also bent!
As you can see the 'v' shape is 3.5mm longer than it should be in addition to this the other end was also worn on both sides
To fix this I used a bit of weld to fill in the damaged metal then filed it back to make the correct shape
Once assembled it fixed the issue with the handbrake Cornuto2
2) The n/s rear brake is binding when the wheel is turned.
I noticed that when the n/s rear wheel is turn the brakes bind at points, I need to do further work on this to investigate the problem but as I have rebuild the brakes several times I know they are assembled correctly. I will post my findings.

Total spend this update £54.00
Total spend £1,289.94
Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

I haven't posted for a good while due to fixing the Ape's trailer and working on the house laying flooring etc.

Trailer before

Trailer after new rear lights and a coat of paint B-)
Now I have a little more time I can now start tackling some of the jobs I have been putting off, the first job is removing the engine so the locating pin for the starting handle can be replaced. It's also an opportunity to give the engine a much needed clean, while the engine is out I will also clean the engine bay, replace the engine mounts, fix the exhaust etc.

The engine removed
The disgusting engine bay :(
When I removed the exhaust I noted two holes in the silencer, these look like they have been drilled as they are perfectly round and the metal is quite thick.
I also noticed that the exhaust is completely blocked!
To clear it I used a plumbing blowtorch to heat the exhaust, I'm not sure if this is tar?

I plug welded the holes and paint it black using high temperature paint
I quickly took the head of the engine to have a look at the piston and bores, I don't have experience of engine building so I might send the engine to engine rebuilds for someone else to do it. The piston and bores looked ok, the piston has '61' stamped on the top of it.
As the Ape is 60 years old I the engine bay / engine need a good clean first so I can work out what needs repairing and replacing!! I already plan to replace the oil seals, gaskets, not sure about the clutch?, bearings?

Total spend this update £0.00
Total spend £1,289.94
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Apista veterano
Apista veterano
Messaggi: 351
Iscritto il: 14 gennaio 2022, 18:12
Ape owned: ATM2

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da brugnara »

Nice job.

Not sure for this specific model, but for the clutch a visive check of the metal surfaces after opening it, should let you understand if you just need to change the cork disk and this will cost you nothing (aroung 20€), otherwise you may be required to change the whole part (around 130€).

I think it is quite the same for all the Apes so you do need to change the gear behind the clutch, the bushings for this gear and some other parts that are hidden behind. The gear since it is helical gets consumed and when it reaches its end, it loses grip and you are required to haul the ape back home S;:
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Apista esperto
Apista esperto
Messaggi: 176
Iscritto il: 11 luglio 2012, 15:06
Ape owned: AD1
Località: Poughkeepsie, NY USA

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da MarioNYC »

This is pretty common among two stroke engines. Many of the guys at the scooter rallies used to pull their exhaust and set them on the camp fire to de-coke them and clear them out. Today's oils, synthetics and semi-synthetics are cleaner burning than the straight SAE 30 oil of the past, so this doesn't happen as often anymore.

Now the drilled hole is something entirely different.

smithjames0 ha scritto: 28 ottobre 2022, 14:32
I also noticed that the exhaust is completely blocked!

To clear it I used a plumbing blowtorch to heat the exhaust, I'm not sure if this is tar?
Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

Another update!

Over the winter I have cleaned the engine bay and matt lacquered it
I ordered new engine bearing, oil seals, gaskets and clutch ready for the rebuild. The only parts I might still need are piston rings and a piston.
The engine is currently with a motor bike repair shop being rebuilt (It's taking a long time to do ...) While the engine is there I have cleaned up some of the parts with a buffing wheel (I also cleaned the coffee maker while I was at it!)
A friend of mine tests tires all over Europe, so when he was in Milano he got me some new tires and inner tubes. The tires are Mitas 4.00 x 8. The inner tubes didn't fit due to the valve diameter being too big.
Cost £ zero!
Getting the old tires off was really hard work. Once the rims were unbolted I over inflated them to separate the inner and out rim
Once I had done this I got the screwdrivers and hammer to break the bead
All done!
A brought a set of four inner tubes from Beed Speed £31.41 These have metal 90 degree valves which are smaller than 10mm (the value hole in the rim is 10mm)
One job I had been putting off for some time was a hole in the floor, sometime time ago a plate had been riveted over the top but with that removed you can see the size of the hole. This was also made worse by the rust pitting in the surrounding metal, this made welding challenging.
A friend of mine owns a car body shop in the town where I live, he mixed some paint for me based on a colour match from the starting handle....
Once the old plate was put down over it you can hardly tell its been repaired B-)
While in Italy earlier in the year I tired to find a new battery for the Ape. The original was 6v 24AH, these are hard to find and are not cheap! So I bought a 6v 16AH along with some other bits C-;

SIP Scooter Shop.

Battery 6v 16HA £83.19 (The first battery arrived damaged, the company were very quick to respond to emails and sort a replacement battery to be sent out)

Nut M12x1.5mm (Hub nut for front axle) £3.11

Rubber flywheel (The rubber bung which stops dirt getting in the points / coils) £2.02

Wing nut (For the battery clamp) £4.96

Shipping £19.50
Total £101.51

I took the Ape to the Smallwood Vintage Rally for the second time, a friend was also showing his VW Beetle which has been striped and rebuilt
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Apista esperto
Apista esperto
Messaggi: 176
Iscritto il: 11 luglio 2012, 15:06
Ape owned: AD1
Località: Poughkeepsie, NY USA

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da MarioNYC »

Great seeing all the updates.

We used to use petrol to release the rims on the truck trailer tires way back in my past life, but with scooter tires I have hammered, prised, and used a vise or clamps to pinch the tire together to pull it off the rusty rim.

I have since gotten my rarer rims powdercoated to prevent the rusting through the split rims, and they've been holding up pretty well.

Keep the updates coming in!!

Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: My 1966 AD1T

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

Over the last year, I have not done much work on the Ape as I have moved house. However the Ape is due to go to the local vintage fair in May so I have given her a clean.

I have bought a new registration plate for the Apr from An Italian registration plate with a UK registration C-;