AD1T points

Quesiti tecnici riguardanti l'Ape anni '50, '60 e '70 (telai A, B, C, D, E, MP) / Technical questions about Ape in the fifties, sixties and seventies (A, B, C, D, E, MP chassis).
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Apista veterano
Apista veterano
Messaggi: 493
Iscritto il: 24 ottobre 2020, 23:20
Ape owned: AC3
Località: Pelosa - Varese Ligure (sul confine fra Parma e La Spezia)

Re: AD1T points

Messaggio da Kalimero »

smithjames0 ha scritto: 21 agosto 2021, 21:33 ... I found that my ignition is massively retarded (30 degrees ish) ...
Dear smithjames0 ,
please note that it is impossible to have ignition retarded compared to the top dead centre. This would mean that you would have a spark when the piston has left the top dead centre and is already going back to the bottom dead centre. You need to have a spark before the piston reaches the top dead centre. I can imagine that you took the measure of anticipation of ignition (not retarding) and this was about 30°. In my opinion this is too much. I would turn the stator clockwise until you set it up to 25°.
Once you were able to set it at 25° you should set the contact breaker points at a maxcimum distance of 0.4 mm as MarioNYC already told you. Double check the anticipation angle and you should be ok.
Good luck
Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: AD1T points

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

Kalimero ha scritto: 23 agosto 2021, 0:11
smithjames0 ha scritto: 21 agosto 2021, 21:33 ... I found that my ignition is massively retarded (30 degrees ish) ...
Dear smithjames0 ,
please note that it is impossible to have ignition retarded compared to the top dead centre. This would mean that you would have a spark when the piston has left the top dead centre and is already going back to the bottom dead centre. You need to have a spark before the piston reaches the top dead centre. I can imagine that you took the measure of anticipation of ignition (not retarding) and this was about 30°. In my opinion this is too much. I would turn the stator clockwise until you set it up to 25°.
Once you were able to set it at 25° you should set the contact breaker points at a maxcimum distance of 0.4 mm as MarioNYC already told you. Double check the anticipation angle and you should be ok.
Good luck


It seems like I got mixed up :( The timing is correct
I also check the wiring on the back of the magneto, all looks to be ok.
One interesting thing I did spot was when the engine is turned over, if the green magneto wire is connected to the coil I get voltage through the grey magneto wire. But when the grey wire is connected to the coil and the green wire to the distribution block (wired correctly) I don't get any voltage out the grey wire OI-

Apista apprendista
Apista apprendista
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 20 luglio 2021, 8:48
Ape owned: A1

Re: AD1T points

Messaggio da smithjames0 »

We’ve made progress this afternoon C-; turns out the fuel line was blocked, now the ape starts first time C-;

However I still have not sorted the issue with the green and grey wires from the magneto.

How do I measure the voltage from the magneto? I’ve tried using AC setting on my multimeter but it’s just a blur of numbers even on the highest range.
