2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Ape Classic, MC349B0D2, Ape Classic 400, MBX000T58RC, Ape Calessino, ZAPT2D4MC, Elektrik Lithium, ZAPT3E9AC8300, Ape Calessino 200, T42PMC03, HL
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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2014, 10:39

2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da andy21 »

Good Morning Everyone.

My name is Andy, I am new to the forum and new to Ape ownership.

I recently purchased a 2011 Ape Classic, it has only covered 500km. Whilst driving this morning I changed gear badly and got stuck in neutral, and then stuck in reverse.

The clutch still works fine, and it drives fine in reverse, but the gear selector on the handlebars has no resistance. I think a cable may have fallen off somewhere.

Has anyone experienced this problem? I will have a look at it in more detail this evening but if anybody has any suggestions of starting point they would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


(Google translate)

Buongiorno a tutti.

Il mio nome è Andy, io sono nuovo del forum e nuovo alla proprietà Ape.

Recentemente ho acquistato un 2011 Ape Classic, ha coperto solo 500 km. Durante la guida questa mattina ho cambiato marcia male e rimasto bloccato in folle, e poi bloccato in senso inverso.

La frizione funziona ancora bene, e spinge bene in senso inverso, ma il selettore del cambio sul manubrio ha alcuna resistenza. Penso che un cavo potrebbe essere caduto da qualche parte.

Qualcuno ha avuto questo problema? Avrò un'occhiata più in dettaglio questa sera, ma se qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento su punto di partenza che sarebbe molto apprezzato.

Molte grazie,

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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6155
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

Follow the cables back to the engine, probably a cable has come loose or one might be broken - Ken
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2014, 10:39

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da andy21 »

Hi Ken, thanks for the quick response.

I checked over the gear selector on the handle bars and all seems fine. Traced the cable back to the engine and it seems that when you twist the gear selector, the outer cable moves and the inner cable stays put. There doesn't seem to be any proper fixing for the outer cable at this point other than 2 large rubber grommets so I guess there shouldn't be too much resistance on the gear change.

I can (using a bit of wood as a lever) switch between neutral and reverse, and I got it into forward (I assume 1st gear) once. But otherwise the gear selector lever on the gearbox feels a bit stuck. Do you know which order the gears go in? Is it like a motorbike gearbox - down for 1st, then up for 2nd, 3rd etc.?

Thanks again for your help, if you have any other ideas what the problem may be it'd be a great help! Will take another look tomorrow but don't have much light in the evenings at the moment to get stuck into it!

Cheers again,


(google translate)

Ciao Ken, grazie per la rapida risposta.

Ho controllato sul selettore del cambio sul manubrio e tutto sembra a posto. Tracciato il cavo per il motore e sembra che quando ti giri il selettore del cambio, i cavi esterni mosse e il cavetto interno resta fermo. Non sembra esserci alcuna fissaggio adeguato per il cavo esterno a questo punto diverso da 2 grandi gommini quindi credo che non ci dovrebbe essere troppa resistenza sul cambio.

Posso (usando un po 'di legno come una leva) passare da folle e retromarcia, e ho avuto in avanti (presumo 1 ª marcia) una volta. Ma per il resto la leva selettrice sul cambio si sente un po 'bloccato. Sapete quale ordine gli ingranaggi vanno in? E 'come una scatola del cambio moto - stabilisce, per prima, poi per 2, 3 ecc?

Grazie ancora per il vostro aiuto, se avete altre idee che cosa il problema potrebbe essere che sarebbe di grande aiuto! Intende dare un'altra occhiata domani, ma non hanno molta luce la sera al momento di rimanere bloccati in esso!

Ancora applausi,

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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6155
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

The gears are marked on the handlebar between the rubber twist grip and the metal handlebar itself. Up is first, down to neutral,2,3 and 4. Reverse only works in 1 and 2. You need someone to pull in the clutch lever while you watch the action of the cables at the engine to see if one has come loose. Where are you located? Ken
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2014, 10:39

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da andy21 »

Hi Ken,

After a bit of tinkering it's all sorted.

The outer gear cable had un-attached itself from the chassis. A new c-clip sorted that. Took a bit of time get the cable fixed to the gear selector in the correct position but it's now sorted and changing gear better then before!

Many thanks for your help.

I'll hopefully post some pictures soon, the Ape is going to be used to sell paella in our local market.


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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6155
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

Good to hear you've fixed the problem. Ape Classic is a good vehicle, the only thing I don't like is the large plastic piece on the front but that's easily changed. I have manuals for it if you have more problems. - Ken
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Iscritto il: 12 ottobre 2014, 22:21

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da Sea4tec »

Hello kkjonhson, can you tell me how to remove that front pladtic from the Classis, and then what do you put on the holes?

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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6155
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: 2011 Ape Classic Gear Problem

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

The parts book shows the attachment points, however it's not difficult to find them. Leave the front fender in place. You will need a pair of headlight/turn signal covers. As for the join in the upper and lower halves of the cabin front I used an adhesive backed trim kit as used on side panels of pickup trucks to cover that joint.
Quite a number of holes under there but most already have a plastic plug as the cabin is also used for production of the D600 and Ape Xtra in India that each bear different logos.
There's a small bracket just above the center of the front fender. It's welded in place so I left it and mounted a pair of orange reflectors. Didn't want to remove the bracket, never know when another owner wants it back as original although I can't imagine why. I also mounted self adhesive orange reflectors on the sides to cover the holes just ahead of the door opening - easy to spot at night. Here are some more photos. Ken
Ape Classic mods.jpg
bit of trimming to get the proper fit if you don't have the correct headlight covers
my logo sticker
owner is happy
Fielding Ape.jpg
I added door panels with pockets
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks