colori plastiche ape 600mp

Per cercare Ape Piaggio, pezzi di ricambio, memorabilia, manuali, depliants e tutto ciò riguarda l'Ape. / To search for Ape Piaggio, spare parts, memorabilia, manuals, depliants and all that regarding Ape.
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Messaggi: 129
Iscritto il: 6 aprile 2008, 23:30
Ape owned: AD2
Località: Milano/Bologna - Italy

colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da marcotad »

Ciao a tutti, sto risistemando un 600mp del 1976, quello con i doppi fari e il parafango anteriore tipo AD2, con nasello lungo. Ho trovato parafanghi (anteriore e posteriori), nasello e i coperchi fanali. Il fatto è che queste plastiche, soprattutto quelle anteriori sono di un grigio scuro che secondo me non è originale e cmq più scuro dei parafanghi dietro. Sono da verniciare, secondo voi? Ricordo che esisteva un modello, ma non ricordo quale, in cui il nasello era di colore diverso dal parafango. Qualcuno mi sa aiutare?
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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6148
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

Look on the back and see if they were made by different manufacturers - that will tell you - Ken
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Apista esperto
Messaggi: 129
Iscritto il: 6 aprile 2008, 23:30
Ape owned: AD2
Località: Milano/Bologna - Italy

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da marcotad »

Thank you Ken, I will check asap. When you will come in Italy to look the Ape of your friends?
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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6148
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

Can't wait but my wife has been very ill for some time and I have much work in construction to do and Api to restore so for now I must be content, but I will come and stay awhile, I have many people to visit and Api to look at and perhaps I'll bring some tools and get my hands dirty. - Ken
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Apista esperto
Messaggi: 129
Iscritto il: 6 aprile 2008, 23:30
Ape owned: AD2
Località: Milano/Bologna - Italy

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da marcotad »

many wishes to your wife and I hope to have the opportunity to see you!
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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6148
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

I will pass your best wishes along to Delores. Very slow recovery. By the way, she told me I can only fiddle with Api in the mornings but that's cool because I'm out the door before 7am. She's in the photo at the front of our house - Ken
106 Tuyll.jpg
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Apista esperto
Messaggi: 129
Iscritto il: 6 aprile 2008, 23:30
Ape owned: AD2
Località: Milano/Bologna - Italy

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da marcotad »

sorry Ken for my late reply, really a beautiful location!

As your suggestion I checked the rear plastic parts:

- front nose original from Piaggio in dark grey
- front mudguard probably not original, same color of the nose
- rear mudguard probably original (i'm not so sure: the logo on the label it's different from the nose), color light grey
- lights frames same color of the rear mudguard

I think the best way it's to paint the front parts (nose and mudguard) in the same light grey as the fuel tank.

I have also one Ape ad2 dated 1969, with the front light round on the nose, in this case these parts are painted in light grey, it's right?

What do you think?

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1° Apista restauratore
1° Apista restauratore
Messaggi: 6148
Iscritto il: 3 dicembre 2007, 11:17
Ape owned: MPR2
Località: Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da kjjohnson »

Whatever you paint make sure it can be used on plastic otherwise it will flake off. Good luck, trust your instincts. Here we can buy Krylon spray paint specially formulated to paint on plastic, don't know if it's available there. These plastic parts were never painted by Piaggio or it's suppliers and were installed as received. Perhaps it would be wise to find a pair of headlight covers in the darker gray and you wouldn't have to paint any of the front end parts. Save a lot of work. By the way, if you have trouble finding the dark headlight covers you better send me some closeup photos of yours, I may be able to find suitable ones in my stock. - Ken
Heading to town.jpg
headlight covers.jpg
we buy/restore/sell P501 and P601s and parts/manuals/handbooks
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Apista esperto
Messaggi: 129
Iscritto il: 6 aprile 2008, 23:30
Ape owned: AD2
Località: Milano/Bologna - Italy

Re: colori plastiche ape 600mp

Messaggio da marcotad »

thanks Ken, I will follow your's suggestions. When the Ape will be finished, if the final effect is not good I have the time to respray these parts.

