Not all Api in Canada are life size, sometimes they're quite small. A friend nearby made this 1/43 scale model of his P501 Furgone - thanks for the beautiful job Cliff! - Ken
I have found the perfect limousine for Olandese Volante when he decides to get married! Cor and Gabrielle will take turns driving while I take the photos! - Ken
prima mi devi trovare la donna giusta.
se no devo cambiare la legge in olanda.
(qui due del stesso sesso possono sposare)
ma non si puo sposare con la bella atsjitre.
first you will have to find me the right woman.
if not i will have to change the law in holland.
(here two people of the same sex can get married)
but i cannot marry the beautiful atsjitre
Here are some photos of my black P501 Furgone MPR2T+25905+ when I pulled it out of a barn. It had sat in a field for years and the motor was seized, many parts were missing and it was quite rusted. - Ken
Ultima modifica di kjjohnson il 1 maggio 2008, 2:50, modificato 1 volta in totale.
If you look on the steering column of a P501/601 at the top of the spring (see photos) you will find a circle stamped in the casting - In the outer ring of the circle you'll find twelve raised dots, some of which are flattened by blows from a punch. In the inner circle you'll find a two digit number. Count the number of flattened dots and it will tell you the month and the two digit number in the inner circle will tell you the year of manufacture. Providing the column hasn't been changed you'll know when the machine was built. If you're looking to buy a used front steering column you should try and match as closely as possible to the same month/year of manufacture - Sorry the one photo is blurred, I'll replace it with a clearer one when I have a chance. Changes to part number were made as of March 1980 - Ken
qui non si chiede l'eta della donna, poi se la donna e bella che ti importa se e stata al chirurgico di bellezza ? basta che se state insieme lei fuma durante il atto e non dopo...............
here a woman is not asked her age and if she is beautiful what's it to you that she's had plastic surgery? all that matters is that she smokes while doing it and not afterwards................
RALLINO : A-new stock B-old stock C-1982 190cc motor D- 6months in use (old stock B) - The old stock I had from a Dealer is softer brass, the groove on the bottom of B is sideways and it doesn't have a groove in the side to pick up oil. D was used for 6months in my Ape and is worn out. I will make earrings for the woman Olandese Volante mentions above. Carefully look at what you buy/use, I only discovered this today, and now I will change the last one I put in my Ape for an - " A " - Rallino A & B were purchased from different Dealers - Ken
How a Carpenter straightens a Portello Posteriori and Sponda Laterale per Pianale - Lay them a wooden floor (won't damage the underside) with the bent side up (crown), place a board under one end to elevate it and then take a full length 2"x8" and lay it on top, and then jump on the plank (many times if you're small, once or twice if you're big). Check for straightness and jump again if necessary. To flatten the flat panels, lay it flat on the floor with the bump up and place the smaller board on top of the bump and jump on it (keep checking) until it's reasonably straight. You're not looking for Body Shop perfection here, but good enough to make it operable again. - Ken ---
I try to restore but sometimes use Carpenters tools - My friend Luc has built his Pianale with wood (probably the old box was too rusted out to restore - Ken
Indice Delle Tavole Tll parti 87 Alberino comando camma - Having problems with the timing on a P501, this is what I discovered - It had been broken and a welded repair complete with a piece of plumbers strap to hold the Supporto ruttore completo far enough in advance to work (sort of) - Not having an original, the welder repair was 90 degrees off (see photo)- A new part, put the strap in the garbage and re-set the points and timing and like new! Never know what you'll find in a restoration - Ken -
Today I changed the clutch actuating pad and thrusting plate - See how worn the pad was (It's the new old stock without the groove - and it had worn the thrusting plate sending shavings down into the bottom of the clutch housing) -and the ride was wonderful - Ken